Hats Off Gentlemen It’s Adequate "The Uncertainty Principle" CD (NEW RELEASE)

Hats Off Gentlemen It’s Adequate

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Hats Off Gentlemen It’s Adequate - The Uncertainty Principle (CD)

The 8th album “The Uncertainty Principle” by Hats Off Gentlemen It’s Adequate is a mixture of vocal and instrumental tracks, combining elements of progressive/alt/art-rock, electronic, and contemporary classical music.  The CD comes in DigiSleeve packaging, including a 24-page booklet containing lyrics, artwork, and an essay.

This album explores the idea of uncertainty. Certainty is, on the whole, comfortable, but often misleading and dangerous.

Until the development of quantum physics, science seemed to provide an ever more precise description of our world. With better equipment, our understanding increased. The closer we looked, the more certain we could be of the reality underlying our observations.

Heisenberg’s 1927 uncertainty principle overturned that perception. He showed that for the smallest objects we can detect, increasing the knowledge of one aspect of the particle decreases our knowledge of another aspect. This was most famously demonstrated for position and momentum. Although the uncertainty principle was discovered in relation to quite technical aspects relating to measurements of subatomic particles, I think it was part of an uncertainty revolution in human thought. We fundamentally cannot be certain about some aspects of the world around us. As physicists were overturning our assumptions about the nature of matter, Kurt Gödel showed in 1931 that any system of mathematics must have limitations. Psychology showed that our memories and self-perceptions can be wildly inaccurate. And the history of the 20th century is a testament to the dangers of trusting those who are blinded by certainty.

Several historical events that combine quantum physics and inter-personal uncertainty are explored in the album. Two of these relate to Werner Heisenberg, the pioneer of the uncertainty principle, and a leader of the German nuclear program. One focuses on his disputed conversation during the Second World War with his former mentor Niels Bohr. The second relates to Moe Berg, the American spy and former professional baseball player, who was sent to attend a lecture by Heisenberg, at which he was supposed to decide whether to assassinate him.

Although quantum theory might seem obscure, academic, and at times almost ridiculous, it nevertheless provides some the most accurate predictions of experiments ever found in science. Many of the technologies which we take for granted are dependent on quantum physics. Two of the songs on this album relate to nuclear weapons, one from the perspective of a strategic bombing planner facing uncertainty about his actions. The other relating to the historical incident in which one man saying "no" may have prevented nuclear Armageddon. 

The album is a mixture of vocal and instrumental tracks, combining elements of progressive/alt/art-rock, electronic, and contemporary classical music.

Have a look and a listen:


  1. 1.     Certainty
  2. 2.     Everything Changed
  3. 3.     The Ultraviolet Catastrophe
  4. 4.     Copenhagen
  5. 5.     Cause And Effect (But Not Necessarily In That Order)
  6. 6.     The Uncertainty Principle
  7. 7.     Inside The Atom
  8. 8.     The Think Tank
  9. 9.     One Word That Means The World (Arkhipov)
  10. 10.  Between Two Worlds
  11. 11.  Living With Uncertainty

Format: CD
Artist: Hats Off Gentlemen It’s Adequate
Release Date: March 4, 2025