The Swan Chorus - The Swan Chorus (CD)
Released in August 2018, The Swan Chorus is the band’s first album. Formed originally by Colin McKay, David Knowles and Peter Dover, before recording the album, they quickly recruited singer John Wilkinson.
Here is John’s account of meeting them:
"I was contacted by Dave and Colin at the start of the band with a view to singing some songs for them. I was really impressed with their song-writing, and after meeting them quickly agreed to join the band. To me the song is always the most important thing and sometimes this can get lost under the more technical aspects of playing. I believe that ‘The Swan Chorus’ music strikes the right balance between emotion and technique".
The album was incredibly well received by the prog community across the world. Here are some quotes regarding the album:
“I was immediately hooked on the music. I had no idea what to expect, no preconceived notion of what it would sound like. It’s so great to make this new discovery. Great music, multi layered and unashamedly progressive. Fantastic songs, beautifully constructed, played and sung.”
"This is really, really good! A breath of fresh air to be honest! It blows a lot of stuff that’s out there away!"
"There are too many reasons to love this record... This voice!!! and those keyboards. Awesome"
"Quite a few hairs on the back of the neck moments"
“Great fresh mixture of prog styles with incredible dynamics, wonderful solo passages, inspiring melodies and a very nice portion of ROCK. Outstanding!”
“The Swan Chorus’ album has the air of requited love, the spinning tale that encases all in its wake, a painting of depth and drama that the resulting piece could easily hang in the finest of museums dedicated to the restless swell of the landscape. The album strides a similar path, one of imagery, of fierceness in bold lyrics, of a sweetness and divine rush of blood to the heart that makes The Swan Chorus beguilingly stimulating and a curiosity worth fighting Pandora herself for when she releases hope into the world. An album of beautiful excess and feeling, the Progressive stands firm and resolute throughout” - https://www.liverpoolsoundandvision.co.uk
Check it out here: https://youtu.be/11iEbizfOto
- The Hilary Step
- Don’t Talk About
- My Dark Passenger
- The Check
- Stand Together
- Pure Fate Star Shadow
- Performance Anxiety
- Poster Boy
- The House That Jack Built
- Walk The Same Road
Format: CD
Artist: The Swan Chorus
Release Date: August 2018