Bill Bressler - Normal Boy (CD)
Bill Bressler’s interest started at the age of 12 when he heard a radio broadcast of a Genesis concert. On his 13th birthday he got his first synthesizer and his musical journey was had begun. Like many others though, life came along and he got a day job, But, music was always there.
Fast forward many years later, when Bill noticed Progressive Rock going through a resurgence, the idea for an album in the genre was born. Vintage gear was played alongside vintage replica plugins with modern production techniques. Friends were brought in to play guitar, bass and vocals, and Normal Boy was released at the end of 2018. Confidence was boosted after receiving an excellent review on Sonic Perspectives.
Speaking of Fast, a chance meeting with keyboard legend Larry Fast and a friendly request to listen to one of the songs off the album, Guitarist, got Bill the response, “It’s really good. I wish I still had A&R guys down the hall I could bring it to, but we live in a different musical world now. Whatever it is you’re doing, keep at it.”
The album was also noticed by Camel and Tiger Moth Tale’s Peter Jones as well as White Willow’s Jacob Holm-Lupo who offered up high praise as songs from the album started to gain recognition on Prog Rock internet radio stations and various streaming services.
“While Music and arrangements are rewardingly impressive throughout, part of Normal Boy’s charm is its very-man, or every-boy, approach to lyrics. There’s an inherent sense of dry wit built into Bressler’s lyrical approach which brings balance to his vision for progressive arrangements. While we’re used to reviewing well-known artists and musicians here at Sonic Perspectives, we also like to champion the underdog, Normal Boy is one such recording. Like even more professional musicians do, Bressler has a normal day job and a normal family life, so making music like this is purely something done for the love of prog. If you’re a progressive rock music lover, do your part and enjoy the fruits of his labor. It makes the world feel a little less normal” – Scott Medina, Sonic Perspectives
- Fits And Starts
- Start
- Go
- Begin
- Normal Boy
- Guitarist
- The Walk
- Working Man
- Blackout
- Walking Man
- The Bridge
- Almost
- Home
- A Little Song (Before We Go)
- Reprise Of A Sort
- Abnormality To Familiarity
- Go Forth Once More
- Begin Again
Format: CD
Artist: Bill Bressler
Release Date: 2018